19 pound baby born

Ani district residents of Batubara, North Sumatra, Indonesia gave birth to a giant baby with a weight of 19 pounds. The unnamed baby measures in at 24.4 inches long, and was born by a caesarean procedure on Monday (21/9) at a public hospitalt RSU Abdul Manan Simatupang, Kisaran in North Sumatra province.

The baby boy initially was given oxygen to overcome breathing problems, but seems to be in a healthy condition, according to the gynecologist.

"He's got a strong appetite, every minute, it's almost nonstop feeding," Sitanggang told Agence France-Presse.

The enormity of the baby is most likely related to his mother, Ani, 41, having diabetes, Sitanggang told reporters. If a diabetic mother’s glucose levels are too high during pregnancy, the baby may grow too large because of high glucose intake.

Ani had to be rushed to the hospital after complications with the pregnancy. The big baby boy is her fourth child, and the only one not delivered by traditional midwife.

The baby boy is sure to be a handful for his mother, with a baby’s cry that sounds more like a lion’s roar.

source :
- kompas.com

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